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NextGen Youth

NextGen Youth is a combination of our High School and Junior High students.

Welcome to NextGen Youth

The Heart of Summit Youth is to partner with both the student and the parent during this season of life. Every Sunday our hope is to provide an environment where the student can experience what our G.F.I.L. pillars (Grow | Find | Influence | Lead) are all about. Contact us at or connect wth us on Facebook.

It’s that time again!

We are gearing up for summer camp 2025.  We can’t wait to see what God will do in and through your life during this incredible experience. Start planning now and register today!

There is a $50 deposit until March 31st.


Starting April 1st the deposit increases to $150.
There needs to be an additional investment of at least $100 paid towards camp balance by March 31st.



Services & Times


9:00am In-Person & Online

(NextGen Nursery and Elementary Open)

11:00am In-Person

(All NextGen Ministries Open)


1st Sunday (6th-12th – Main service with adults)

5th Sunday – (Kinder-12th Grade –  Main service with adults )


Follow us on Social Media!

SWC NextGen Youth FaceBook

SWC NextGen Youth Instagram

SWC NextGen Youth YouTube

Where to go when I......



There’s always a place to go in the Word of God!

Check it out!




What To Expect

A fun environment to connect with similar-aged students who love Jesus


Exciting lessons from the Bible that are both spiritually and developmentally relevant


Positive Youth Leaders who are invested in the growth of your student


What We Believe

We believe the heart of our teaching is to point our youth to Christ so that they can grow in their relationship with Him. We believe it is necessary to breakout into small groups so they can experience what it looks like to find like-minded community. Through the discipleship relationships built with their Small Group Leaders, we demonstrate the belief that we are all called to influence our sphere – the circle of people God places us within different environments. We also believe it is important for this age group to learn what it looks like to lead like Christ by the example of their lives.

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