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NextGen Kidz

NextGen Kidz includes our Nursery, Preschool and Elementary Ministries.

Welcome to NextGen Kidz!

Services are fun, energetic, and they get to have fun while learning about and experiencing the love of Christ. Our hope is to partner with parents as they model the mission of Christ for their children, coming alongside them in the discipleship process.

It’s that time again!

We are gearing up for our Elementary (current 3rd-5th grade students) summer camp 2025. We can’t wait to see what God will do in and through your child’s life during this incredible experience. Start planning now and register today!

There is a $50 deposit until March 31st.


Starting April 1st the deposit increases to $150.


There needs to be an additional investment of at least $100 paid towards camp balance by March 31st.


Service & Times


9:00am In-Person & Online

(NextGen Nursery and Elementary Open)

11:00am In-Person

(All NextGen Ministries Open)


1st Sunday (6th-12th – Main service with adults)

5th Sunday – (Kinder-12th Grade –  Main service with adults )

Social Media

SWC NextGen PreSchool FaceBook
SWC NextGen Preschool Youtube

SWC NextGen Elementary FaceBook
SWC NextGen Elementary Youtube

What To Expect


In addition to caring for their needs, we sing, dance and show our babies God’s love for them.



We lay foundation for a strong, gospel-centered life for our little ones by teaching the Bible as we focus on instructing them in God’s truths.



We sing! We dance! We teach the Word of God through curriculum that is designed to inspire children to live like Jesus.


What We Believe

We believe it’s important for babies, toddlers and little children to sense God’s love through how we care for them. We believe God wants a relationship with our young children, that He wants to talk with them, and that He wants them to know He is good. The lessons we teach demonstrate this great love He has for them in ways that will serve as building blocks for a strong relationship with Him as they grow.

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